Oxford Owl e-library
Reading is the most important aspect of any school’s curriculum. Reading inspires children, improves vocabulary and speaking, helps with writing and is a genuine life skill that opens the doors for your child’s future.
All children now have a book issued to them. This will be in their book bag. These books will be at your child’s reading level. Books should be readable and not too challenging – children should be able to read them successfully. This improves the chances of children developing a love and passion for books. If they are too challenging, research shows reading then becomes a chore and is not as enjoyable for young readers. Children must also be able to comprehend/understand the book they have read.
Children in reception will start their phonics lessons w/b 19th Sept. For now, they will be issued with a wordless book. Children learn how to hold and use a book; turning the pages and can talk about the images they see. Parents can ask questions such as:
What can you see in the picture?
What number is on the page?
What do you think will happen next?
What is your favourite picture, why?
What part of the story would you change, why?
In addition to children’s books in book bags, our school also has an online eLibrary. This allows teachers to allocate groups of books to children. These can be read at home on a laptop, iPad, tablet or mobile device. At school, we will monitor which children are using the eLibrary and prizes will be awarded to those participating consistently.
We cannot encourage and emphasise enough how important it is to read at home with and to your child. We will be running phonics workshops for parents this term to help empower you all to continue supporting your children at home.