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Assessment is used to monitor pupils' progress and plan for their next steps in order to promote effective learning. As well as on-going everyday assessments (known as formative assessment), regular assessments take place throughout the year through pupil observations and assessment tasks.

As children progress through the school they are actively involved in setting their own targets and they learn to reflect on their progress and understand how they can make changes to improve their own performance and learning.


At the beginning of the autumn term, children entering Reception are assessed through a series of enjoyable, simple, informal 1:1 tasks to identify their level of development. This screening – the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) – is used to plan next steps for each child.

In the Reception Year, staff observe children to understand their level of achievement, interests and learning styles, and to then shape learning experiences for each child, reflecting those observations. During the final term in Reception the Early Year Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) is completed for each child. The Profile provides parents/carers and staff with a well-rounded picture of a child’s knowledge, understanding and abilities, their progress against expected levels and their readiness for Year 1.

Development is assessed against the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) in each area. Staff will record if the child is meeting expected levels,  exceeding levels or not yet meeting the expected levels (emerging). Parents are kept informed of progress during the year at parent interviews and a report is written with details of the EYFSP at the end of the year.


In Years 1 and 2 detailed assessments cover all areas of the Key Stage 1 (KS1) Curriculum. Assessments are formative and are used to ensure that next steps in learning are well matched

In Year 1 children take part in the phonics national screening check in the summer term.

In Year 2, at the end of the Key Stage, children are formally assessed in Maths, English and Science. Tasks and tests are used to inform teacher assessment judgements. 

Parents are informed about their child’s progress at Parent Interviews and a written report is completed at the end of each year. Parents receive information of results of the Year 1 phonics check and the KS1 assessments.