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Keeping Safe

Health & Safety, Child Protection and Safeguarding

Our Governors and staff work together to provide a safe environment for children and adults. Our Health & Safety Policy may be downloaded from the TAMAT website, whilst our Child Protection & Safeguarding and Online Safety Policies may be found here.

Asbestos in Schools

Many schools and other public buildings constructed prior to 2000 contain asbestos – often in the fabric of the building. The presence of asbestos should not cause concern provided it is managed properly. There are strict legal duties on schools to manage asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). Where the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has undertaken inspections of schools it has found that most have good standards for managing asbestos in their buildings.

Our school along with all other schools within our academy trust (TAMAT) have a rolling plan of asbestos re-inspection surveys conducted by HSE trained contractors who advise the school around the safe management of asbestos in the school. ACMs in good condition and not damaged are safe to use in school buildings. 

During induction, new members of staff are made aware of the location of ACMs around the school and how to monitor and report any possible disturbances. We also have procedures in place to inform contractors of the location of ACMs prior to any works to the fabric of the building being undertaken.  

If this topic causes any concern, please contact the school directly and we will be happy to provide more information. 

Accidents in School

If a child has an accident whilst in school, staff administer first aid procedures. Parents are alerted to accidents via notes in their child's Book Bag. For this reason parents should check Book Bags for notes each day when their child returns home.

Safety in PE / Jewellery

We ask parents not to allow their child to wear accessories such as jewellery in school.  

In the interest of safety all jewellery must be removed before children take part in PE lessons. Earrings for pierced ears can be dangerous and any child wearing them will not be allowed to take part in PE lessons. Children wearing pierced earrings must be able to remove them by themselves. The school will not be responsible for loss of or damage to such items.

Long hair should be tied back with a suitable soft headband.  Decorated hair braids are discouraged, as these can be hazardous to children.

Trainers are used for outdoor PE. Following County guidelines, all indoor apparatus work is done in bare feet. However, plimsolls/trainers should be worn if your child contracts verrucae.  Please inform your child’s class teacher in writing if this is the case.

These rules are firmly adhered to in school for the safety of all the children concerned.

Emergency Procedures

The school operates an electronic communication system (ParentMail) to advise parents regarding emergency closures and other vital information. Closures may occur due to fire, pandemics, storm and cold weather damage etc.  Parents are requested to supply a relevant email address and mobile telephone number for this purpose and to keep these updated as necessary. The website also gives updated information in the event of an emergency. Please see the News Section – Latest News

For safety reasons no child will be allowed off the school site without an attendant adult. Children will remain on site until collected by an adult.  It is therefore important that we have up-to-date emergency contact numbers for parents and alternative contacts.

Parking and Cars

In the interests of safety, please show care and consideration when parking and driving near the school.  The driveway, within the gates, is not for public use and may not be used for vehicles unless authorised.

Please note: the road outside the school is a narrow residential road which serves three local schools. Congestion is a source of difficulty for all concerned. It is most important that everyone adheres to the parking restrictions for safety reasons including enabling clear access for emergency services at all times. We ask parents to show consideration for other road users and residents and set the children an example in courtesy and respect. We would encourage parents to consider sustainable transport methods where possible.

School Gates

Parents and children should enter school through the designated pedestrian gates at each end of the school and use walkways. The double gates at the front of the school are for vehicular access only and there is no walkway.

Access controls are installed on all external doors to prevent unauthorised entry.

Outdoor Equipment

Outdoor play equipment is for use by pupils of the school in school time only under supervision. For safety reasons, no children may play on it before or after school.  We expect parents to uphold and reinforce this rule.

Bikes and Scooters

Riding scooters and bikes in the school grounds is not permitted. We have an area for pupils to store cycles and scooters during the school day. Go to the school office to register for a scooter or bike 'parking' permit.


For safety reasons, no dogs, other than guide dogs, may be brought onto the school site. This includes the service road immediately outside the school building.


The school has a non-smoking policy. No smoking is permitted under any circumstances in the school grounds whether during or outside school hours or on educational visits.