Children who attend school regularly are given the very best opportunity to benefit from the learning in school. To this end we will do all we can to encourage parents/carers to ensure that the children in their care achieve maximum possible attendance and that any problems which prevent full attendance are identified and acted on promptly. It is the parents' responsibility to ensure that their child attends school regularly.
Arrival times and lateness
Doors open at 8.35 am and all children are expected to be in the classrooms by 8.45 am when the registers are taken and they start their learning. Parents at Crawley Ridge realise the importance of regular attendance and ensure that children are punctual and ready to take part in the programme for the day.
Doors are locked at 8.45am and registers are taken. Children arriving after 8.45 am should be brought to the main office where parents will be asked to sign their child in and provide a reason for lateness.
Absence for illness
If your child is absent due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, we appreciate a telephone call on the first morning of absence before 9.00 am. When your child returns to school a letter of explanation is required for school records.
Absences for reasons other than illness
We ask parents not to remove children from school in term time. The school holiday dates are published a year in advance and we expect parents to book their family holidays during the school breaks. If absence in term time is unavoidable, our online Leave of Absence form (see Appendix 2 of our Attendance Policy Pupils), must be completed prior to the planned absence. Absences for holidays and special occasions are not authorised. Only exceptional reasons can be authorised, eg, a compassionate reason such as bereavement.