Safeguarding concerns - Who to contact?
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Benedict O'Shea, Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSLs)
Emma Saunders
Leanne Petre
Chair of Governors
Mehefin Bell
If you are concerned about a child’s welfare, please record your concern, and any observations or conversation heard, and report to one of the DSLs as soon as possible the same day. Do NOT conduct your own investigation.
If your concerns relate to the actions or behaviour of a member of staff (which could suggest that s/he is unsuitable to work with children) then you should report this to one of the DSLs in confidence, who will refer the matter to the Headteacher (or the Chair of Governors if the concern relates to the Headteacher) – who will consider what action to take.