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Trick Box




We have learnt this trick:

LIGHT BULB; 'Think of the answer not the problem.' 




We have learnt this trick: 

MAGIC CIRCLE 'To feel confident, think confident thoughts and make a magic circle with your thumb and finger.'



We have learnt this trick: 

MAGIC CIRCLE 'To feel confident, think confident thoughts and make a magic circle with your thumb and finger.'

Watch a video about this trick here: Magic Circle (

We have learnt this trick: 

FLOATING CLOUD 'Imagine floating on a cloud. Slowly relax your toes to your head.'

We have learnt this trick:

Sunny Side: 'When something seems bad, find a sunny side'. 

Watch a video all about this trick here: Sunny Side (

We have learnt this trick:

Breathing Colour; 'Choose a colour for the feeling that you want to change. Breathe this colour out.  Choose a colour for the feeling you want instead and breathe this colour in.'

We have learnt this trick:

Stand Tall; 'Shoulders back, head up and stand tall!' - use the power of your body language.



We have learnt this trick:

Big-Voice is all about; Believe in yourself; say, "I can do it!"

Find out more here: Big-Voice YouTube

We have learnt this trick:

Mirror-Mirror is all about; Say something nice about yourself, even in the mirror.


We have learnt this trick:

Win-Win is all about; Think - how can we both win?

Find out more here: Win-Win - Youtube



We have learnt this trick:

Big no is all about; Thinking and knowing that sometimes you need to say No.

Find out more here: Big No - YouTube



Bringing Positive Well-being to Pupils

Building happy life habits and managing the tricky bits

What is Trick Box?

Trick Box (4-11 yrs) is an evidence-based, whole school programme which helps to develop a full range of empowering personal habits in 4 key areas:

How does Trick Box help children, staff and families?

Trick Box transforms lives by giving children the knowledge and skills to effectively manage life’s everyday challenges whilst building a bank of positive life habits for the future.

Trick Box strategies help children to get the best from themselves, others, school life and the wider world. The programme also provides opportunities for staff and parents/carers to brush up on their own skills so that everyone’s on the same page.