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  • 11/03/24

    Comic Relief Red Nose Day - Friday 15th March

    If your child would like to join in the country wide fundraising day they can wear a red accessory (e.g. hairband, socks, tights) or a Comic Relief branded t-shirt over their usual uniform for a suggested donation of £1. Funds will be collected at the classroom door.
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  • 11/03/24

    Big Walk & Wheel

    We have some exciting news for you! We are taking part in the 15th year celebration of Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel, the UK’s largest inter-school cycling, walking, wheeling and scooting challenge. The challenge runs from 11-22 March 2024. It’s free to take part and we would love everyone...
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  • 11/03/24

    What a wonderful World Book Day

    The children looked absolutely fantastic  - thank you so much for your creativity and effort. The school was full of colour and cheer and the children were impeccably behaved. Reading is the most important aspect of school, it unlocks children’s full potential to be used in later life. We...
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  • 11/03/24

    Book of the week

    This week’s recommended read is Can you get a Jellyfish into Space? which can be bought for free with the World Book Day vouchers. It’s a fascinating look at all the animals that have ventured into space! An obscure but very fun read!
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  • 05/03/24

    World Book Day - Thursday 7th March

    On Thursday 7th March if they choose, children are invited to dress up as their favourite book character. On the day, there will be a special World Book Day assembly followed by a range of book related activities. Our CRIS and CRJS craft project is going to be World Book Day badge making! As pa...
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  • 04/03/24

    Book of the week

    This week's recommended read is 'This moose belongs to me' by Oliver Jeffers. Oliver Jeffers is a fantastic author who writes wonderful stories for children. This one centres around the story of one boy and his moose and explores the concept of ownership. The illustrations are absolutely...
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  • 26/02/24

    Reception enjoy their first Forest School

    On Tuesday, the children were lucky enough to experience forest school for the first time. They loved going down to find out about what they will be doing and learn about the different rules and ways they can play in the forest school area.
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  • 26/02/24

    Book of the week

    This week I am going to do something unusual and recommend a book that Year 1 are studying in class. I have enjoyed this book so much that I think children in other year groups would love to read it too. It is called Our Tower and is written by Britain's poet laureate Joseph Coehlo. I am not goi...
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  • 22/02/24

    Break the rules day

    This year February is breaking the rules and having one extra day. CRIS is going to have a day of breaking the rules too. Look out in bookbags this week for the list of rules that can be broken ... and the fine associated with them!
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  • 19/02/24

    Welcome back to Spring Term 2

    It is lovley to see the children back in school today. We hope you all enjoyed a restful half term. You can keep up to date with this term's events by following the website and reading the newsletters and your ParentMail notifications. 
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  • 09/02/24

    Book of the week

    Inspired by Year 2's topic on habitats, this week's recommended read is Planet Earth III. This is an absolutely stunning book which details stories from each of the most well known habitats linked to the popular television series. It also carries an important message about how humans ar...
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  • 06/02/24


    This week your child will be coming home with a bag2school ( plastic bag in their book bag. Our collection is booked for Friday 23rd February. You can bring your donations to the reception playground fort on Thursday 22nd February at pick up or on Friday 23rd February at drop off...
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