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  • 05/02/24

    Hotsteppers half term camp

    We are pleased to be able to offer your children the opportunity to attend session with Hotsteppers Dance in half term on Monday 12th February. Places are now open to children in all Year Groups at CRIS and siblings age 5-11. Please see the attachment for full details and booking inform...
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  • 05/02/24

    Neary New Uniform

    We are delighted to announce that our pre-loved uniform sales have now moved online. From today, you are able to buy the pre-loved uniform directly from the shop on the PTA portal. We will be fulfilling online orders on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of eac...
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  • 05/02/24

    Last day of Spring Term 1

    We break up for half term on Friday 9th February at 3 o clock. Children return to school on Monday 19th February. We wish you all a lovely break.
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  • 05/02/24

    Parents evening bookings are open

    Parents evening will take place on Tuesday and Thursday this week. There is still time to book your slot on Parent Mail. 
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  • 05/02/24

    Book of the week

    I wanted to start by saying a huge thank you to all the volunteers who took part in National Storytelling Week last week - the children absolutely loved being read to by a different voice and hearing different stories. In honour of this I have chosen Little Rabbit’s Big Surprise by National St...
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  • 01/02/24

    Traffic calming on Crawley Ridge

    We would encourage all parents to sign the current traffic calming e-petition for some traffic calming measures to be introduced on Crawley Ridge.    ePetition - Traffic calming measures on Crawley Ridge - Surrey County Council (
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  • 30/01/24

    Ultimate Coaching camps - February 1/2 term

    We are delighted to announce that Ultimate Coaching will be running some sessions in the February Half Term. Bookings are open now to all children aged 5 - 11. Please direct all queries to Ultimate Coaching. Sport: Football: https...
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  • 29/01/24

    Charity donations - thank you

    At the start and end of each Christmas performance, we asked for donations for three local charities. You all raised just under £600.00. The charities have thanked you all for these kind donations.  Frimley Health Charity - F142 Paediatric Oncology Ward Barnardos Children...
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  • 29/01/24

    Fantastic fundraising for Phyllis Tuckwell

    Thank you to all our families for their amazing donations to our first Reindeer Run in support of Phyllis Tuckwell. 
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  • 29/01/24

    Safer Internet Day

    The children will learn about Internet safety in school on 6th February. In the evening there is an opportunity for parents to join an online session - Navigating the Digital Landscape. Details can be found in the attachment.  
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  • 29/01/24

    Theatre production

    On Friday the children were extremely lucky to have a theatre company in performing Jack & The Beanstalk. It was brilliant, the children loved every second. We hope they enjoyed telling you all about it over the weekend. 
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  • 29/01/24

    Book of the week

    This week’s recommended read is We’re going to find the Monster by Malorie Blackman for no other reason that it is a fun and enjoyable story about family which has been a popular choice in my household since it was gifted at Christmas - I hope it becomes popular in your homes too!
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