Religious Education
Our Religious Education programme follows the Surrey Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (2023-2028). Children will develop their knowledge and understanding of the world views, beliefs and ‘lived experiences’ of some Christian, Jewish and Muslim people, and some non-religious people. Children learn about religions by developing their understanding through of the Golden Threads: ‘God’ (theological) ‘Community’ (sociological) and ‘Identity’ (philosophical)
The National Curriculum states that pupils in KS1 should be taught to:
- Understand the importance and value of religion
- Recognise that peoples’ beliefs are expressed in a variety of ways, and begin to use subject specific vocabulary
- Ask relevant questions and develop a sense of wonder about the world, using their imagination
- Ask questions and express their own views about what is important to themselves and to others, valuing themselves, reflecting on their own feelings and experiences and developing a sense of belonging
- Understand that they can expect others to treat their needs, views, cultures and beliefs with respect, and that they treat those of others with the same respect.
Please find attached to the bottom of this webpage how Religious Education is implemented in our school, including EYFS.
The impact of this teaching throughout our school will inspire children to have open and thought-provoking conversations around the topic of religion. They will be able to identify how religion and beliefs are expressed in different ways, in addition to being able to identify similarities and differences in their features. Children will be encouraged to ask questions about their own and others' feelings and experiences whilst recognising that some questions in life are difficult to answer. Children gain a good knowledge about different religions and leave the school with empathy for others and high levels of respect for different religions and cultures.